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Some thoughts related to RH Bill

Natural Family Planning is not natural when it means sex for only a few days before and after d woman’s monthly period. What is natural is for the married couple to enjoy each other including sex at the most receptive, attractive, and appropriate days of the month. It is not natural to
“violate” the woman while on the process of expecting her child, or the process of shedding her “frustrated birth.” It is not humane to limit man’s enjoyment of sex when the Creator did not limit mankind’s freedom of sexual happiness like that of animal’s 3 days estrus period. . It is not natural to repress man & woman’s complex desires (physical, emotional, and spiritual) in their most healthful, pleasurably sensitive, life- supportive days in favor of doing sex in her most painfully sensitive days just for the same purpose of avoiding the meeting together of their sperm & egg cells. Will not faithfulness to the teaching of the Church lead couples to resort to withdrawal and unnatural alternatives causing psychological troubles?

Think of this fact: Men produce an average of 300T sperms/ejaculation, women is born with 2 M egg cells in her ovaries; if the Creator willed that they all come to life, where would life be? Yet on average only 5 sperms meet with 5 egg cells to produce the average 5 children per family. Contrary to the teachings of the Church, sex within menstrual period is Scripturally considered "unclean." It may favor man but insults the femininity of the woman. The Scripture strictly warned God’s people to refrain from sex within the menstrual period or be classed with people committing adultery, incest, and bestiality (Lev. 18:19); or will NFP, when strictly followed, lead people to try or practice them? God commanded both fish, birds, and humans to be fruitful and multiply, but only to humans did he added “and subdue it” (Gen. 1:28). Man was endowed with the right to “control” to maintain the “very goodness” of God’s creation.His word encourages the readers "to rejoice, be satisfied always and do not deprive each other" in marital sex (Prov. 5:19; 1 Cor. 7:5) Think about it: the most favored men of the Scripture had few children: 3 for Noah, 1 for Abraham by Sarah, 1 by Hagar, 5 by Keturah after Sarah’s death; 2 for Isaac; 12 (very problematic) for Jacob, and 2 for Joseph, 2 for Moses. Where will the wisdom behind NFP lead our nation to?


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